title: "Monster Movies by Decade and Title Type"
subtitle: "An exploration of 'monster' movies from 1960 onwards, categorized by type."
author: "Steven Ponce"
date: "2024-10-28"
- "#TidyTuesday"
image: "thumbnails/tt_2024_44.png"
toc: true
toc-depth: 5
code-link: true
code-fold: true
code-tools: true
code-summary: "Show code"
self-contained: true
chunk_output_type: inline
error: false
message: false
warning: false
eval: true
permalink: "https://stevenponce.netlify.app/data_visualizations.png"
linkedin: true
twitter: true
email: true
![Bar mosaic chart showing the distribution of 'monster' movies by decade and title type (Movie, TV Movie, Video) from 1960 to 2020. Movies dominate in recent decades, while TV Movies and Videos were more prominent in earlier years.](tt_2024_44.png) {#fig-1}
### <mark> __Steps to Create this Graphic__ </mark>
#### 1. Load Packages & Setup
#| label: load
#| warning: false
if (! require ("pacman" )) install.packages ("pacman" )
pacman:: p_load (
tidyverse, # Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'
ggtext, # Improved Text Rendering Support for 'ggplot2'
showtext, # Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs
janitor, # Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data
scales, # Scale Functions for Visualization
glue, # Interpreted String Literals
here, # A Simpler Way to Find Your Files
ggmosaic # Mosaic Plots in the 'ggplot2' Framework # Mosaic Plots in the 'ggplot2' Framework
### |- figure size ----
camcorder:: gg_record (
dir = here:: here ("temp_plots" ),
device = "png" ,
width = 10 ,
height = 8 ,
units = "in" ,
dpi = 320
### |- resolution ----
showtext_opts (dpi = 320 , regular.wt = 300 , bold.wt = 800 )
#### 2. Read in the Data
#| label: read
#| include: true
#| eval: true
#| warning: false
tt <- tidytuesdayR:: tt_load (2024 , week = 44 )
monster_movie_genres <- tt$ monster_movie_genres |> clean_names ()
monster_movies <- tt$ monster_movies|> clean_names ()
tidytuesdayR:: readme (tt)
rm (tt)
#### 3. Examine the Data
#| label: examine
#| include: true
#| eval: true
#| results: 'hide'
#| warning: false
glimpse (monster_movie_genres)
glimpse (monster_movies)
#### 4. Tidy Data
#| label: tidy
#| warning: false
### |- tidy data ----
plot_data <- monster_movies |>
mutate (title_type = str_to_title (title_type)) |>
mutate (decade = (year %/% 10 ) * 10 ) |>
filter (decade >= 1960 ) |>
drop_na (title_type, decade) |>
count (title_type, decade)
#### 5. Visualization Parameters
#| label: params
#| include: true
#| warning: false
### |- plot aesthetics ----
bkg_col <- colorspace:: lighten ('#f7f5e9' , 0.05 )
title_col <- "gray20"
subtitle_col <- "gray20"
caption_col <- "gray30"
text_col <- "gray20"
col_palette <- paletteer:: paletteer_d ("rcartocolor::TealRose" )[c (1 ,3 ,6 )]
# show_col(col_palette)
### |- titles and caption ----
# icons
tt <- str_glue ("#TidyTuesday: { 2024 } Week { 44 } • Source: IMDb non-commercial datasets<br>" )
li <- str_glue ("<span style='font-family:fa6-brands'></span>" )
gh <- str_glue ("<span style='font-family:fa6-brands'></span>" )
mn <- str_glue ("<span style='font-family:fa6-brands'></span>" )
# text
title_text <- str_glue ("Monster Movies by Decade and Title Type" )
subtitle_text <- str_glue ("An exploration of 'monster' movies from 1960 onwards, categorized by type." )
caption_text <- str_glue ("{tt} {li} stevenponce • {mn} @sponce1(graphic.social) {gh} poncest • #rstats #ggplot2" )
### |- fonts ----
font_add ("fa6-brands" , here:: here ("fonts/6.4.2/Font Awesome 6 Brands-Regular-400.otf" ))
font_add_google ("Oswald" , regular.wt = 400 , family = "title" )
font_add_google ("Merriweather Sans" , regular.wt = 400 , family = "subtitle" )
font_add_google ("Merriweather Sans" , regular.wt = 400 , family = "text" )
font_add_google ("Noto Sans" , regular.wt = 400 , family = "caption" )
font_add_google ("Shadows Into Light" , regular.wt = 400 , family = "anotation" )
showtext_auto (enable = TRUE )
### |- plot theme ----
theme_set (theme_minimal (base_size = 14 , base_family = "text" ))
theme_update (
plot.title.position = "plot" ,
plot.caption.position = "plot" ,
legend.position = "plot" ,
plot.background = element_rect (fill = bkg_col, color = bkg_col),
panel.background = element_rect (fill = bkg_col, color = bkg_col),
plot.margin = margin (t = 10 , r = 20 , b = 10 , l = 20 ),
axis.title.x = element_text (margin = margin (10 , 0 , 0 , 0 ), size = rel (1.1 ),
color = text_col, family = "text" , face = "bold" , hjust = 0.5 ),
axis.title.y = element_text (margin = margin (0 , 10 , 0 , 0 ), size = rel (1.1 ),
color = text_col, family = "text" , face = "bold" , hjust = 0.5 ),
axis.text = element_text (size = rel (0.8 ), color = text_col, family = "text" ),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank (),
panel.grid.major = element_blank ()
#### 6. Plot
#| label: plot
#| warning: false
### |- initial plot ----
# Mekko Chart
p <- plot_data |>
ggplot () +
# Geoms
geom_mosaic (aes (weight = n, x = product (decade), fill = title_type)) +
# Scales
scale_y_continuous () +
scale_fill_manual (values = col_palette) +
coord_cartesian (clip = 'off' ) +
# Labs
labs (
x = "Decade" ,
y = "Proportion" ,
title = title_text,
subtitle = subtitle_text,
caption = caption_text
) +
# Theme
theme (
plot.title = element_text (
size = rel (2.2 ),
family = "title" ,
face = "bold" ,
color = title_col,
lineheight = 1.1 ,
margin = margin (t = 5 , b = 5 )
plot.subtitle = element_text (
size = rel (1 ),
family = "subtitle" ,
color = subtitle_col,
lineheight = 1.1 ,
margin = margin (t = 5 , b = 5 )
plot.caption = element_markdown (
size = rel (0.75 ),
family = "caption" ,
color = caption_col,
lineheight = 1.1 ,
hjust = 0.5 ,
halign = 1 ,
margin = margin (t = 15 , b = 5 )
### |- annotated plot ----
p <- p +
annotate (
"text" ,
x = .55 , y = .5 , label = "Movie" ,
color = "#fafafa" , size = 7 , vjust = 1 , hjust = 0 ,
fontface = "bold" , family = "text"
) +
annotate (
"text" ,
x = .55 , y = .8 , label = "TV Movie" ,
color = "gray40" , size = 7 , vjust = 1 , hjust = 0 ,
fontface = "bold" , family = "text"
) +
annotate (
"text" ,
x = .55 , y = .95 , label = "Video" ,
color = "#fafafa" , size = 7 , vjust = 1 , hjust = 0 ,
fontface = "bold" , family = "text"
#### 7. Save
#| label: save
#| warning: false
### |- plot image ----
# Save the plot as PNG
ggsave (
filename = here:: here ("data_visualizations/TidyTuesday/2024/tt_2024_44.png" ),
plot = p,
width = 10 , height = 8 , units = "in" , dpi = 320
### |- plot thumbnail----
magick:: image_read (here:: here ("data_visualizations/TidyTuesday/2024/tt_2024_44.png" )) |>
magick:: image_resize (geometry = "400" ) |>
magick:: image_write (here:: here ("data_visualizations/TidyTuesday/2024/thumbnails/tt_2024_44.png" ))
#### 8. Session Info
::: {.callout-tip collapse="true"}
##### Expand for Session Info
```{r, echo = FALSE}
#| eval: true
#| warning: false
#### 9. GitHub Repository
::: {.callout-tip collapse="true"}
##### Expand for GitHub Repo
[ Access the GitHub repository here ](https://github.com/poncest/personal-website/)