Kamada–Kawai Forced-Directed Network analysis showing how conference tracks are related through shared words in talk titles.
Data Visualization
R Programming
Exploring the interconnected topics at posit::conf through network analysis. This visualization reveals how different conference tracks are linked through common terminology in talk titles, highlighting the relationships between various R programming and data science themes across 2023-2024 conferences.
Steven Ponce
January 13, 2025
Steps to Create this Graphic
1. Load Packages & Setup
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## 1. LOAD PACKAGES & SETUP ----suppressPackageStartupMessages({if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")pacman::p_load( tidyverse, # Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse' ggtext, # Improved Text Rendering Support for 'ggplot2' showtext, # Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs janitor, # Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data skimr, # Compact and Flexible Summaries of Data scales, # Scale Functions for Visualization glue, # Interpreted String Literals here, # A Simpler Way to Find Your Files tidytext, # Text Mining using 'dplyr', 'ggplot2', and Other Tidy Tools ggraph, # An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks igraph, # Network Analysis and Visualization tidygraph # A Tidy API for Graph Manipulation#withr # Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State)})# Source utility functionssuppressMessages(source(here::here("R/utils/fonts.R")))source(here::here("R/utils/social_icons.R"))source(here::here("R/utils/image_utils.R"))source(here::here("R/themes/base_theme.R"))
# Prepare 2023 dataconf2023_clean <- conf2023 |>select( speaker_name,title = session_title,description = session_abstract,track = block_track_title, session_type, speaker_affiliation, session_date, session_start, session_length ) |>mutate(year =2023,has_video =FALSE )# Prepare 2024 dataconf2024_clean <- conf2024 |>select( speaker_name,title = talk_title, description, track, yt_url ) |>mutate(year =2024,has_video =TRUE,session_type =case_when(str_to_lower(track) =="keynote"~"keynote",TRUE~"regular" ),speaker_affiliation =NA_character_,session_date =NA,session_start =NA,session_length =NA )# Combine datasetsconf_combined <-bind_rows(conf2023_clean, conf2024_clean) ### |- plot data ----# Create topic similarity networktitle_similarity <- conf_combined |># Split titles into individual wordsunnest_tokens(word, title) |># Remove common stop words (e.g., "the", "and", "in")anti_join(stop_words) |># Clean up words:# Remove numbers and single-letter wordsfilter(!str_detect(word, "^[0-9]+$"),str_length(word) >1) |># Count word occurrences per trackcount(track, word) |># Focus on meaningful patterns:group_by(track) |># Keep words that appear at least twicefilter(n >=2) |># Take top 8 most frequent words per trackslice_max(n, n =8) |>ungroup()# Create network edges by finding pairs of tracks that share common wordsedges <- title_similarity |># Group by each unique wordgroup_by(word) |># Keep only words that appear in more than one trackfilter(n() >1) |># For each word group, create pairs of tracks that share the wordsummarize(combinations =list(data.frame(# First track in each pair (taking first row of combinations)X1 =combn(track, 2)[1,],# Second track in each pair (taking second row of combinations) X2 =combn(track, 2)[2,] )) ) |># Convert the list of combinations into rowsunnest(combinations) |># Count how many words each pair of tracks have in common# This creates the 'weight' of the connection between trackscount(X1, X2, name ="weight")# Create network nodesnodes <-tibble(name =unique(c(edges$X1, edges$X2)),type ="track")# Create network graph using tidygraphgraph <-tbl_graph(nodes = nodes,edges = edges,directed =FALSE) |># Add degree centrality using mutatemutate(degree =centrality_degree() )
5. Visualization Parameters
Show code
### |- plot aesthetics ----# Get base colors with custom palettecolors <-get_theme_colors(palette =c("gray50", "#297ACC"))### |- titles and caption ----title_text <-str_glue("Track Connections at posit::conf (2023-2024)")subtitle_text <-str_glue("__Kamada–Kawai__ Forced-Directed Network analysis showing how conference tracks are related<br> through shared words in talk titles.<br><br> __Node size__ corresponds to __node degree__ (the number of connections to other tracks),<br> __edge thickness__ shows the number of shared words between tracks.")# Create captioncaption_text <-create_social_caption(tt_year =2025,tt_week =02,source_text ="posit::conf attendee portal 2023-2024")### |- fonts ----setup_fonts()fonts <-get_font_families()### |- plot theme ----# Start with base themebase_theme <-create_base_theme(colors)# Add weekly-specific theme elementsweekly_theme <-extend_weekly_theme( base_theme,theme(# Weekly-specific modificationslegend.box ="vertical", # Stack legends vertically# legend.position = "top",legend.position =c(0.95, 1.28), # x=1, y=1 puts it in the upper-rightlegend.justification =c(1, 1), # Anchor the legend’s top-right cornerlegend.box.margin =margin(b =15),legend.spacing =unit(0.2, "cm"),legend.box.spacing =unit(0.2, "cm"),legend.key.size =unit(0.8, "lines"),legend.text =element_text(size =9),legend.title =element_text(size =10, face ="bold"),panel.grid.major =element_blank(),panel.grid.minor =element_blank() ))# Set themetheme_set(weekly_theme)
---title: "Track Connections at posit::conf (2023-2024)"subtitle: "Kamada–Kawai Forced-Directed Network analysis showing how conference tracks are related through shared words in talk titles."description: "Exploring the interconnected topics at posit::conf through network analysis. This visualization reveals how different conference tracks are linked through common terminology in talk titles, highlighting the relationships between various R programming and data science themes across 2023-2024 conferences."author: "Steven Ponce"date: "2025-01-13" categories: [TidyTuesday, Data Visualization, R Programming] tags: [ "network-analysis", "ggraph", "tidygraph", "text-analysis", "conference-data", "posit-conf", "R-conference", "data-visualization", "tidyverse", "data-science"]image: "thumbnails/tt_2025_02.png"format: html: toc: true toc-depth: 5 code-link: true code-fold: true code-tools: true code-summary: "Show code" self-contained: true theme: light: [flatly, assets/styling/custom_styles.scss] dark: [darkly, assets/styling/custom_styles_dark.scss]editor_options: chunk_output_type: inlineexecute: freeze: true cache: true error: false message: false warning: false eval: truefilters: - social-shareshare: permalink: "https://stevenponce.netlify.app/data_visualizations/TidyTuesday/2024/tt_2025_02.html" description: "Discover how posit::conf tracks are interconnected! This network visualization reveals the relationships between different conference topics through shared terminology, showcasing the diverse yet interrelated nature of R programming and data science talks at posit::conf 2023-2024." twitter: true linkedin: true email: true facebook: false reddit: false stumble: false tumblr: false mastodon: true bsky: true---![A Kamada-Kawai network visualization of posit::conf tracks (2023-2024), where tracks are nodes connected by gray edges. Thicker edges indicate more shared words between track titles, and larger blue nodes show tracks with more connections. The network reveals clusters of related topics and central tracks that bridge different conference themes.](tt_2025_02.png){#fig-1}### <mark> **Steps to Create this Graphic** </mark>#### 1. Load Packages & Setup```{r}#| label: load#| warning: false#| message: false #| results: "hide" ## 1. LOAD PACKAGES & SETUP ----suppressPackageStartupMessages({if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")pacman::p_load( tidyverse, # Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse' ggtext, # Improved Text Rendering Support for 'ggplot2' showtext, # Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs janitor, # Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data skimr, # Compact and Flexible Summaries of Data scales, # Scale Functions for Visualization glue, # Interpreted String Literals here, # A Simpler Way to Find Your Files tidytext, # Text Mining using 'dplyr', 'ggplot2', and Other Tidy Tools ggraph, # An Implementation of Grammar of Graphics for Graphs and Networks igraph, # Network Analysis and Visualization tidygraph # A Tidy API for Graph Manipulation#withr # Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State)})# Source utility functionssuppressMessages(source(here::here("R/utils/fonts.R")))source(here::here("R/utils/social_icons.R"))source(here::here("R/utils/image_utils.R"))source(here::here("R/themes/base_theme.R"))```#### 2. Read in the Data```{r}#| label: read#| include: true#| eval: true#| warning: falsett <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2025, week =02) conf2023 <- tt$conf2023 |>clean_names()conf2024 <- tt$conf2024 |>clean_names()tidytuesdayR::readme(tt)rm(tt)```#### 3. Examine the Data```{r}#| label: examine#| include: true#| eval: true#| results: 'hide'#| warning: falseglimpse(conf2023)skim(conf2023)glimpse(conf2024)skim(conf2024)```#### 4. Tidy Data```{r}#| label: tidy#| warning: false# Prepare 2023 dataconf2023_clean <- conf2023 |>select( speaker_name,title = session_title,description = session_abstract,track = block_track_title, session_type, speaker_affiliation, session_date, session_start, session_length ) |>mutate(year =2023,has_video =FALSE )# Prepare 2024 dataconf2024_clean <- conf2024 |>select( speaker_name,title = talk_title, description, track, yt_url ) |>mutate(year =2024,has_video =TRUE,session_type =case_when(str_to_lower(track) =="keynote"~"keynote",TRUE~"regular" ),speaker_affiliation =NA_character_,session_date =NA,session_start =NA,session_length =NA )# Combine datasetsconf_combined <-bind_rows(conf2023_clean, conf2024_clean) ### |- plot data ----# Create topic similarity networktitle_similarity <- conf_combined |># Split titles into individual wordsunnest_tokens(word, title) |># Remove common stop words (e.g., "the", "and", "in")anti_join(stop_words) |># Clean up words:# Remove numbers and single-letter wordsfilter(!str_detect(word, "^[0-9]+$"),str_length(word) >1) |># Count word occurrences per trackcount(track, word) |># Focus on meaningful patterns:group_by(track) |># Keep words that appear at least twicefilter(n >=2) |># Take top 8 most frequent words per trackslice_max(n, n =8) |>ungroup()# Create network edges by finding pairs of tracks that share common wordsedges <- title_similarity |># Group by each unique wordgroup_by(word) |># Keep only words that appear in more than one trackfilter(n() >1) |># For each word group, create pairs of tracks that share the wordsummarize(combinations =list(data.frame(# First track in each pair (taking first row of combinations)X1 =combn(track, 2)[1,],# Second track in each pair (taking second row of combinations) X2 =combn(track, 2)[2,] )) ) |># Convert the list of combinations into rowsunnest(combinations) |># Count how many words each pair of tracks have in common# This creates the 'weight' of the connection between trackscount(X1, X2, name ="weight")# Create network nodesnodes <-tibble(name =unique(c(edges$X1, edges$X2)),type ="track")# Create network graph using tidygraphgraph <-tbl_graph(nodes = nodes,edges = edges,directed =FALSE) |># Add degree centrality using mutatemutate(degree =centrality_degree() )```#### 5. Visualization Parameters```{r}#| label: params#| include: true#| warning: false### |- plot aesthetics ----# Get base colors with custom palettecolors <-get_theme_colors(palette =c("gray50", "#297ACC"))### |- titles and caption ----title_text <-str_glue("Track Connections at posit::conf (2023-2024)")subtitle_text <-str_glue("__Kamada–Kawai__ Forced-Directed Network analysis showing how conference tracks are related<br> through shared words in talk titles.<br><br> __Node size__ corresponds to __node degree__ (the number of connections to other tracks),<br> __edge thickness__ shows the number of shared words between tracks.")# Create captioncaption_text <-create_social_caption(tt_year =2025,tt_week =02,source_text ="posit::conf attendee portal 2023-2024")### |- fonts ----setup_fonts()fonts <-get_font_families()### |- plot theme ----# Start with base themebase_theme <-create_base_theme(colors)# Add weekly-specific theme elementsweekly_theme <-extend_weekly_theme( base_theme,theme(# Weekly-specific modificationslegend.box ="vertical", # Stack legends vertically# legend.position = "top",legend.position =c(0.95, 1.28), # x=1, y=1 puts it in the upper-rightlegend.justification =c(1, 1), # Anchor the legend’s top-right cornerlegend.box.margin =margin(b =15),legend.spacing =unit(0.2, "cm"),legend.box.spacing =unit(0.2, "cm"),legend.key.size =unit(0.8, "lines"),legend.text =element_text(size =9),legend.title =element_text(size =10, face ="bold"),panel.grid.major =element_blank(),panel.grid.minor =element_blank() ))# Set themetheme_set(weekly_theme)```#### 6. Plot ```{r}#| label: plot#| warning: false### |- Plot ----# Set seed for reproducibilityset.seed(123) # Create layout using tidygraph functionsgraph_laid_out <- graph |>activate(nodes) |>create_layout(layout ="kk")# ggraph callp <-ggraph(graph_laid_out) +# Geomgeom_edge_link(aes(edge_alpha = weight, edge_width = weight),edge_color = colors$palette[1],show.legend =TRUE,edge_linetype ="solid",alpha =0.5, lineend ="round" ) +geom_node_point(aes(size = degree),color = colors$palette[2],alpha =0.8 ) +geom_node_label(aes(label =str_wrap(name, 20)),repel =TRUE,fill =alpha("white", 0.8), label.size =0, # remove borderlabel.padding =unit(0.15, "lines"),size =3.0,family = fonts$text,fontface ="bold",color = colors$text,# Additional ggrepel arguments:box.padding =0.4, # Increase if labels overlap too muchpoint.padding =0.3, # Space between node and labelforce =1.0, # Higher = stronger repelforce_pull =0.1, # Pull label toward or away from pointmax.overlaps =Inf ) +# Scalesscale_edge_width(range =c(0.5, 2.5)) +scale_size(range =c(3, 8)) +scale_edge_alpha(range =c(0.2, 0.8)) +# Labslabs(title = title_text,subtitle = subtitle_text,caption = caption_text,edge_alpha ="Shared Words", edge_width ="Connection Strength", size ="Node Degree" ) +# Combine similar legendsguides(edge_alpha =guide_legend(title ="Connection Strength",override.aes =list(alpha =0.6) ),edge_width ="none", # Hide duplicate legendsize =guide_legend(title ="Node Degree",override.aes =list(alpha =0.8) ) ) +# Themetheme(plot.title =element_text(size =rel(2.6),family = fonts$title,face ="bold",color = colors$title,lineheight =1.1,margin =margin(t =5, b =5) ),plot.subtitle =element_markdown(size =rel(1.1),family = fonts$subtitle,color = colors$subtitle,lineheight =1.2,margin =margin(t =5, b =15) ),plot.caption =element_markdown(size =rel(0.65),family = fonts$caption,color = colors$caption,hjust =0.5,margin =margin(t =10) ) ) ```#### 7. Save```{r}#| label: save#| warning: false### |- plot image ---- save_plot(p, type ="tidytuesday", year =2025, week =02, width =14, height =10)```#### 8. Session Info::: {.callout-tip collapse="true"}##### Expand for Session Info```{r, echo = FALSE}#| eval: true#| warning: falsesessionInfo()```:::#### 9. GitHub Repository::: {.callout-tip collapse="true"}##### Expand for GitHub RepoThe complete code for this analysis is available in [`tt_2025_02.qmd`](https://github.com/poncest/personal-website/blob/master/data_visualizations/TidyTuesday/2025/tt_2025_02.qmd).For the full repository, [click here](https://github.com/poncest/personal-website/).:::#### 10. References::: {.callout-tip collapse="true"}##### Expand for References1. Data Sources: - TidyTuesday 2025 Week 02: [posit::conf talks](https://github.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/tree/main/data/2025/2025-01-14):::