title: "Bob's Burgers Episode Fingerprints by Season"
subtitle: "Analyzing dialogue patterns across seasons"
author: "Steven Ponce"
date: "2024-11-11"
categories: ["Bob's Burgers", "{ bobsburgersR }", "#Standalone"]
image: "thumbnails/sa_2024-11-11.png"
toc: true
toc-depth: 5
code-link: true
code-fold: true
code-tools: true
code-summary: "Show code"
self-contained: true
fig-width: 9
fig-height: 10
fig-dpi: 320
fig-format: "png"
embed-resources: true
chunk_output_type: inline
error: false
message: false
warning: false
eval: true
permalink: "https://stevenponce.netlify.app/data_visualizations.png"
linkedin: true
twitter: true
email: true
```{r setup}
#| label: setup
#| include: false
dev = "png",
fig.width = 9,
fig.height = 10,
dpi = 320
![A series of radar charts showing dialogue patterns across 14 seasons of Bob's Burgers. Each season chart displays metrics including Dialogue Density, Average Length, Sentiment Variance, Unique Words, Question Ratio, and Exclamation Ratio. Light purple polygons represent individual episodes, while dark purple lines show season averages, revealing how dialogue patterns evolved throughout the series.](sa_2024-11-11) {#fig-1}
### <mark> __Steps to Create this Graphic__ </mark>
#### 1. Load Packages & Setup
#| label: load
#| warning: false
if (! require ("pacman" )) install.packages ("pacman" )
pacman:: p_load (
tidyverse, # Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'
ggtext, # Improved Text Rendering Support for 'ggplot2'
showtext, # Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs
janitor, # Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data
skimr, # Compact and Flexible Summaries of Data
scales, # Scale Functions for Visualization
glue, # Interpreted String Literals
bobsburgersR, # Bob's Burgers Datasets for Data Visualization
tidytext, # Text Mining using 'dplyr', 'ggplot2', and Other Tidy Tools
textdata, # Download and Load Various Text Datasets
patchwork # The Composer of Plots
### |- figure size ----
camcorder:: gg_record (
dir = here:: here ("temp_plots" ),
device = "png" ,
width = 9 ,
height = 10 ,
units = "in" ,
dpi = 320
### |- resolution ----
showtext_opts (dpi = 320 , regular.wt = 300 , bold.wt = 800 )
#### 2. Read in the Data
#| label: read
#| include: true
#| eval: true
#| results: 'hide'
#| warning: false
bobsburgersR:: transcript_data
#### 3. Examine the Data
#| label: examine
#| include: true
#| eval: true
#| results: 'hide'
#| warning: false
glimpse (transcript_data)
skim (transcript_data)
#### 4. Tidy Data
#| label: tidy
#| warning: false
# Calculate metrics
episode_metrics <- transcript_data |>
filter (! is.na (dialogue)) |>
group_by (season, episode) |>
summarise (
# Basic dialogue metrics
dialogue_density = n () / max (line),
avg_length = mean (str_length (dialogue)),
# Sentiment analysis - AFINN Sentiment Lexicon
sentiment_variance = dialogue |>
tibble (text = _) |>
unnest_tokens (word, text) |>
inner_join (get_sentiments ("afinn" ), by = "word" ) |>
pull (value) |>
var (na.rm = TRUE ),
# Word and punctuation metrics
unique_words = dialogue |>
str_split (" \\ s+" ) |>
unlist () |>
n_distinct (),
question_ratio = mean (str_detect (dialogue, " \\ ?" )),
exclamation_ratio = mean (str_detect (dialogue, "!" )),
.groups = "drop"
) |>
# Scale all metrics
mutate (across (dialogue_density: exclamation_ratio, scale))
# Prepare data for visualization
episode_metrics_long <- episode_metrics |>
pivot_longer (
cols = c (dialogue_density: exclamation_ratio),
names_to = "metric" ,
values_to = "value"
) |>
mutate (
angle = (as.numeric (factor (metric)) - 1 ) * 2 * pi / 6 ,
hjust = ifelse (angle < pi, 1 , 0 ),
metric = case_when (
metric == "dialogue_density" ~ "Dialogue \n Density" ,
metric == "avg_length" ~ "Average \n Length" ,
metric == "sentiment_variance" ~ "Sentiment \n Variance" ,
metric == "unique_words" ~ "Unique \n Words" ,
metric == "question_ratio" ~ "Question \n Ratio" ,
metric == "exclamation_ratio" ~ "Exclamation \n Ratio"
# Filter data to remove empty groups
episode_metrics_long <- episode_metrics_long |>
filter (! is.na (value)) |>
group_by (season) |>
filter (n () > 1 ) |>
ungroup ()
#### 5. Visualization Parameters
#| label: params
#| include: true
#| warning: false
### |- plot aesthetics ----
bkg_col <- "#f5f5f2"
title_col <- "gray20"
subtitle_col <- "gray20"
caption_col <- "gray30"
text_col <- "gray20"
### |- titles and caption ----
# icons
tt <- str_glue ("Source: {{bobsburgersR}}" )
li <- str_glue ("<span style='font-family:fa6-brands'></span>" )
gh <- str_glue ("<span style='font-family:fa6-brands'></span>" )
bs <- str_glue ("<span style='font-family:fa6-brands'> </span>" )
# text
light_purple <- str_glue ("<span style='color:#A374C2'>**Light Purple**</span>" )
dark_purple <- str_glue ("<span style='color:#8856a7'>**Dark Purple**</span>" )
title_text <- str_glue ("Bob's Burgers Episode Fingerprints by Season" )
subtitle_text <- str_glue ("Analyzing dialogue patterns across seasons<br><br>
**Note:** Metrics are standardized (**z-scores**). { light_purple } polygons represent individual episodes.<br>
{ dark_purple } line shows season average." )
caption_text <- str_glue ("{li} stevenponce • {gh} poncest • #rstats #ggplot2 • {tt}" )
### |- fonts ----
font_add ("fa6-brands" , here:: here ("fonts/6.4.2/Font Awesome 6 Brands-Regular-400.otf" ))
font_add_google ("Oswald" , regular.wt = 400 , family = "title" )
font_add_google ("Source Sans Pro" , family = "subtitle" )
font_add_google ("Source Sans Pro" , family = "text" )
font_add_google ("Roboto Mono" , family = "numbers" )
font_add_google ("Noto Sans" , regular.wt = 400 , family = "caption" )
showtext_auto (enable = TRUE )
### |- plot theme ----
theme_set (theme_minimal (base_size = 14 , base_family = "text" ))
theme_update (
plot.title.position = "plot" ,
plot.caption.position = "plot" ,
legend.position = "plot" ,
plot.background = element_rect (fill = bkg_col, color = bkg_col),
panel.background = element_rect (fill = bkg_col, color = bkg_col),
plot.margin = margin (t = 10 , r = 10 , b = 10 , l = 10 ),
axis.title.x = element_text (margin = margin (10 , 0 , 0 , 0 ), size = rel (1.1 ),
color = text_col, family = "text" , face = "bold" , hjust = 0.5 ),
axis.title.y = element_text (margin = margin (0 , 10 , 0 , 0 ), size = rel (1.1 ),
color = text_col, family = "text" , face = "bold" , hjust = 0.5 ),
axis.text = element_text (size = rel (0.5 ), color = text_col, family = "text" ),
strip.text = element_text (size = rel (1 ), face = "bold" , margin = margin (b = 10 ), family = "text" ),
panel.grid.major = element_line (color = "gray90" , linewidth = 0.2 ),
panel.spacing.x = unit (3 , "lines" ),
panel.spacing.y = unit (1 , "lines" ),
aspect.ratio = 1
#### 6. Plot
### |- main plot ----
main_plot <- episode_metrics_long |>
ggplot (aes (x = metric, y = value)) +
# Geoms
# Add grid lines
geom_hline (yintercept = seq (- 2 , 7 , by = 1 ), color = "gray90" , linewidth = 0.2 ) +
# Add episode polygons
geom_polygon (aes (group = interaction (season, episode)),
fill = "#8856a7" ,
alpha = 0.2 ) +
# Add season average line
stat_summary (aes (group = season),
fun = 'mean' ,
geom = "path" ,
color = "#8856a7" ,
size = 0.8 ,
alpha = 0.9 ,
na.rm = TRUE ) +
# Scales
scale_x_discrete (expand = expansion (add = 1.2 )) +
scale_y_continuous (
expand = expansion (add = c (0.5 , 1 )),
limits = c (- 2 , 7 )
) +
coord_polar (clip = 'off' ) +
# Labs
labs (
x = NULL ,
y = NULL ,
) +
# Facet
facet_wrap (~ season, nrow = 4 ,
labeller = labeller (season = function (x) paste ("Season" , x))
) +
# Theme
theme (
axis.text.y = element_blank (),
axis.title = element_blank (),
plot.margin = margin (0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
### |- key pattern plot ----
key_patterns_plot <- ggplot () +
annotate (
"richtext" ,
x = 0 ,
y = 0 ,
label = glue:: glue (
"<span style='font-family:title;font-size:12pt;color:{title_col}'>**Key Patterns:**</span><br>
<span style='font-family:subtitle;font-size:9pt;color:{text_col}'>
• Early seasons (1-3): more experimental patterns<br>
• Middle seasons (4-8): consistent style<br>
• Later seasons: refined structure<br>
• Higher variance: character episodes<br>
• Higher question ratios: mystery plots
fill = NA ,
label.color = NA ,
hjust = 0 ,
vjust = 1.2 ,
) +
theme_void () +
theme (
plot.margin = margin (5 , 10 , 5 , 10 )
### |- title & subtitle plot ----
title_plot <- ggplot () +
labs (
title = title_text,
subtitle = subtitle_text
) +
theme_void () +
theme (
plot.title = element_text (
size = rel (1.8 ),
family = "title" ,
face = "bold" ,
color = title_col,
lineheight = 1.1 ,
margin = margin (t = 5 , b = 5 )
plot.subtitle = element_markdown (
size = rel (1.1 ),
family = "subtitle" ,
color = subtitle_col,
lineheight = 1.1 ,
margin = margin (t = 5 , b = 15 )
plot.background = element_rect (fill = bkg_col, color = bkg_col),
plot.margin = margin (10 , 10 , 0 , 10 )
### |- combined plot ----
# Define layout design with adjusted areas
# area(t, l, b, r)
# where:
# t = top row position
# l = left column position
# b = bottom row position
# r = right column position
design <- c (
area (1 , 1 , 1 , 6 ), # title area
area (2 , 1 , 5 , 6 ), # main plot area
area (4 , 2 , 5 , 6 ) # key patterns area
combined_plot <- title_plot + main_plot + key_patterns_plot +
plot_layout (
design = design,
heights = c (0.8 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 0.2 ),
widths = c (1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0.2 )
) +
plot_annotation (
caption = caption_text,
theme = theme (
plot.background = element_rect (fill = bkg_col, color = bkg_col),
plot.margin = margin (10 , 10 , 10 , 10 ),
plot.caption = element_markdown (
size = rel (0.65 ),
family = "caption" ,
color = caption_col,
lineheight = 1.1 ,
hjust = 0.5 ,
margin = margin (t = 10 , b = 5 )
#### 7. Save
#| label: save
#| warning: false
# There was some issues between patchwork and ggsave
# Make sure these pkgs are installed
if (! require ("ggplotify" )) install.packages ("ggplotify" )
if (! require ("grid" )) install.packages ("grid" )
# Use Arial (Windows system font)
windowsFonts (Arial = windowsFont ("Arial" ))
font_add ("fa6-brands" , here:: here ("fonts/6.4.2/Font Awesome 6 Brands-Regular-400.otf" ))
# Convert patchwork plot to grob
plot_grob <- as.grob (combined_plot)
# Set up the PNG device with proper font handling
png (
filename = here:: here ("projects/standalone_visualizations/sa_2024-11-11.png" ),
width = 9 ,
height = 10 ,
units = "in" ,
res = 320 ,
type = "cairo"
# Enable showtext with specific settings
showtext:: showtext_begin ()
showtext:: showtext_opts (dpi = 320 , regular.wt = 300 , bold.wt = 800 )
# Draw the plot
grid:: grid.draw (plot_grob)
# Clean up
showtext:: showtext_end ()
invisible (dev.off ())
# Create thumbnail
magick:: image_read (here:: here ("projects/standalone_visualizations/sa_2024-11-11.png" )) |>
magick:: image_resize (geometry = "400" ) |>
magick:: image_write (here:: here ("projects/standalone_visualizations/thumbnails/sa_2024-11-11.png" ))
#### 8. Session Info
::: {.callout-tip collapse="true"}
##### Expand for Session Info
```{r, echo = FALSE}
#| eval: true
#| warning: false
#### 9. GitHub Repository
::: {.callout-tip collapse="true"}
##### Expand for GitHub Repo
[ Access the GitHub repository here ](https://github.com/poncest/personal-website/)